Saturday, July 30, 2016

Week 8: The End

Today marks my final entry, and the end to my immersion experience as well as time the end to my time in New York City. Leaving the city and the hospital will be a bitter sweet experience.  I am excited to return to Ithaca and continue my PhD work, but I will miss the people, challenging problems, and clinical work here at New York Presbyterian. This week I focused once again on lab work. First, I finished all remaining experiments and data analysis and second, I made a detailed plan with other members of Dr. Spector's lab on how we would like to continue collaborating and finish the project in the long-term. I truly hope to remain in contact with Dr. Spector and the members, as well as others I have worked with, and continue the work that I begun this summer. Looking back, I was able to make some significant progress on the project this summer and helped the lab overcome so hurdles they faced. The dynamic of engineers working with medical students or clinicians is a unique relationship that I have come to cherish. Overall, the immersion experience has taught me a great deal, and given me important insight to how medical devices, biomaterials, or tissue engineered constructs are actually used in the OR or clinic. This knowledge will surely impact how I approach my own research back in Ithaca. 

The experience as a whole has made our class closer and created some strong relationships at Weill Cornell. The shared experience has shaped us all and given us a great deal of perspective not only in our work, but in the medical field as a whole. At our last dinner, Dr. Wang emphasized once again the importance of always thinking deeper about what you are working in and analytically approaching a problem. All important things to remember as I move forward.



    Dr Williams,herbal treatment is the best to shrink pineal cyst naturally.

    Four months ago, I was scheduled an operation to remove a fairly large pineal cyst (approx. 8 mm), which had caused me a great deal of headache and tightness around my head. . My doctor insisted that there was no other choice but to go under the knife and I had reluctantly agreed (after trying several medications to decrease the size of the pineal cyst to no avail). It was approx. 2 months prior to the surgery when my husband comes across dr williams herbal remedies which my husband found and ordered for me online. With the help of my loving husband, I followed the step and procedure on how i should be taking it. and one months later I was scheduled for an scan check: it was shocking. The pineal cyst had completely gone, I had consulted my doctor and cancelled the surgery and with his dedicated counseling guidance I managed to completely treat the pineal cyst from my pineal gland , along with the pain and anxiety that this condition had inflicted on me. Thank you so much for your kind help DOCTOR,for more information on how to get his medication you can visit his blog on

  2. I am Sophie from Canada, I once suffered from a terrible and Chronic pineal cyst ,since i was 30 , the doctor told me there was no permanent cure i was given medications to slow down its progress, i constantly felt my health was deteriorating as i constantly go out of breath,and this illness was really terrible especially when am going out with my friends, i have this constant disorder for about 15 years, this was really a terrible ailment ,on thin one day that i was going through the internet,and i came across a post of Mrs Shelley on how his husband was been cured from pineal cyst through the help of Dr Williams herbal product, I contacted this herbal doctor via his email and explain everything to him and make purchase of his product,few days later he sent me the herbal medicine through courier service, when i received the herbal medicine, i used it for 1 months as prescribed by Dr Williams and i was totally cured within those week of usage,on thin now i have not experience any sign or characteristics again . for more information you can email him on for help
