Friday, June 24, 2016

Week 3: raw to 4D flow in MRA

On Monday I met Dr. Prince before his two-week trip to China. WE looked at couple of cases and discussed 4D flow calculation with our collaborators in Columbia University. He clarified anatomy of targeted vessels and gave me to anatomy book for future references while he is gone.  The next day I tried to setup the reconstruction software as part of linux virtual machine to be able to reconstruct MRI raw data to meaningful images and calculate speed vectors for 3D images at different time steps and cardiac cycle phases. After setting up the system, I could do my first MRI reconstruction and measuring flows in different arteries. I shadowed our collaborators to learn all theses steps: from raw data, P file, to magnitude and speed data, curing and cropping data in Matlab, flow analysis in Ensight software package.
I also tried to make arrangement for this week and next week, while Dr. Prince is not here. I got some responses and hopefully I can do those activities next week or the week after. Sometimes I needed to contact more than one person to reach the targeted person. Will see ;)

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